Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 2 - Afterthoughts

Today's post (aside from my coupon deal) was fairly boring. I didn't have any real thoughts or insights that I shared. I guess it may take some trial and error as to what to write about and what to leave out. I guess I have just been using it as a way to review my day. Who really wants to read that? I really need to figure out how to narrow it down to stories and thoughts that have more of a point. So on that note here's today's insight from my quiet time (which I found time to have, Yeah!):

Wisdom is the ability to cope with daily problems and coping is operating power-packed emotionally. Meaning that in Christ I have the ability to be power-packed with healthy emotions. The essence of life is more than just picking up the pieces. I shouldn't be living as a victim to what ever happens to me.

So profound isn't it? God has the ability to give me the wisdom to live a skilled and controlled life. So the next time my daughter colors herself red with magic marker I shouldn't overreact I should just clean up the mess and explain why that is not really a good idea and turn it into a learning experience for each of us not just another loose my temper and make her cry moment.

Does that make any sense?

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